About this Site

Update, January 2021: Hello there, and welcome to a bona fide internet relic. This site was built in 1998. When I wrote it, there were only three Star Wars movies. Napster was still a thing, iPods weren't invented yet, and Google didn't exist. This site was written in TextPad running on Windows NT 4, tested in Netscape Navigator, and uploaded using command-line FTP.

When I moved my website off my university account in 2001, I added a note saying "hey, I sort of lost interest in the whole POV-Ray thing, but I'll leave this online in case anybody's interested."

When I gave dylanbeattie.net a complete overhaul in 2019, I left this bit out. I honestly didn't think anybody would be looking at it over 20 years later.

Well, turns out I was wrong. So it's back. Other than reinstating a couple of broken GIFs and adding this note, I haven't changed a thing; do a right-click, "view source" on these pages and bask in the beauty of some properly old-school HTML from 1998.

Have fun. I'll be back in 2041 to update this note. ;)

Since the release of Star Wars: A New Hope in 1977, there has been a tremendous amount of interest in the characters, locations and technology of George Lucas' vision. From the original film's two sequels, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi to the spin-off novels, comics, computer games and even the commemorative Monopoly set, Star Wars has inspired thousands of science-fiction fans the world over to make their own contributions to an ever-expanding universe.

The Persistence of Vision raytracer is a program for generating photo-realistic computer images from text files containing descriptions of 3D scenes or objects. It is available for most computer platforms, it is freely distributable, and it can produce some stunning-looking images - take a look at www.povray.org for more information and details of how to get hold of POV-Ray for your own computer.

I created this site in 1998, having put together a few SW models just for fun. Most of the original models were mine, although there have been numerous contributions since this site went 'live.' I haven't done anything in POV-Ray for years now - not enough time, and I kind of lost interest after a while - but I had so many emails regarding this site that I felt it was worth leaving it on-line, and I'll happily post SW POV-Ray stuff that other people have developed.

My personal homepage is at http://www.dylanbeattie.net/.

Dylan Beattie, dylan[at]zepler[dot]org
May 10th, 1998 / January 17th, 2001

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